Authentication Service
Perform user authentication by username and password, and provide back a session token.
The session token must be used for authenticate the requests to the other web services.
To auhtenticate the requests to the other web services, clients must use WS-Security protocol using the Username Token Security.
The UsernameToken must be composed by the username and the session token provided by this service.
Access to this service is not restricted.
The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
Performs an username/password authentication.Input message Domain The domain unique code. Username The user name. Password The user password. Output message AuthenticationToken The session token identifier. TokenLifeTime The token lifetime, in seconds. -
Performs a CHAP authentication.
To be authenticated, the client must provide the correct response. The challengeResponse value must be calculated in this way:challengeResponse = MD5(<username> + <password> + <CHAPChallengeString>)
Where<CHAPChallengeString> is the one-time use key provide by the method GetChallengeString().Input message Domain The domain unique code. Username The user name. ChallengeString The challenge string used. ChallengeResponse The client calculated challenge response. Output message AuthenticationToken The session token identifier. TokenLifeTime The token lifetime, in seconds. -
Generates the one-time use random key for the CHAP authentication.Output message ChallengeString The randomly generate challenge string. -
Returns the information related to the specified token.Input message Token The session token identifier. Output message Username The username related to the token. Domain The domain related to the token. -
Performs an username/password authentication and impersonate another user in the specified domain.
The authentication token provided is of the impersonated user.
Only users with the permission canImpersonateUsers can perform impersonation.Input message Domain The domain unique code. Username The user name. Password The user password. UsernameToImpersonate The username of the user to impersonate. Output message AuthenticationToken The session token identifier. TokenLifeTime The token lifetime, in seconds. -
Refreshes session keeping it alive postponing expire date time.Input message Token The session token identifier. -
Closes a session and invalidates the session token.Input message Token The session token identifier. -
Verifies if a session token is valid.Input message Token The session token identifier. Output message IsValid True if the token is valid, False otherwise.