eXact learning LCMS Web Services
These are the first set of Web Services provided by eXact learning LCMS for service oriented (SOA) integration.
All services are based on WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 Specifications.
The security is managed using WS-Security technology.
Authentication Service
Perform user authentication by username and password, and provide back a session token.
The session token must be used for authenticate the requests to the other web services.
To auhtenticate the requests to the other web services, clients must use WS-Security protocol using the Username Token Security. The UsernameToken must be composed by the username and the session token provided by this service.
Access to this service is not restricted. -
Authorization Service
Provides roles and permissions of the users in the system.
Access to this service is restricted. -
Course Catalog Service
Provide information about the course catalog and allows course enrollments. -
Data Service
Provides a service to get or set generic data mapped on keys. The scope of the data is the calling user: different calling users see different data.
Access to this service is restricted. -
Digital Repository Service
Provides services to interact with the Digial Repository: publication, search, retrieve and version history access.
Access to this service is restricted. -
General Service
Provides general information and services about the system.
Access to this service is not restricted. -
Project Management Service
Allows inteactions with the project management module.
Access to this service is restricted. -
Security Service
Allows to assign and unassing roles to users.
Access is restricted to: administrators. -
Tracking Service
Allows to set and get tracking information about lerner performances on learning materials and their elements.
Access to this service is restricted. -
Users Service
Allow to search, add and modify users.
Access to this service is restricted.